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Call for thesis proposals for the BIP

The content committee for the Blended Intensive Program and HCAIM graduation is collecting thesis topics from companies, research institutions and other organizations. We hope you are all willing to propose one or more topics for a thesis and supervise it. If so, please read attached the guidelines, fill in the attached example template (for each topic a separate one) and return the templates to Stefano Marrone ( or Meike Grol ( Please give it a clear and distinguishable name in which you include both the topic and the name of your institution. In the guidelines you will find an overview of important dates to save in your agenda.

After we receive the templates, we will review them and organize a feedback session to make sure all thesis topics are of the same quality.

The deadline for sending in the thesis proposals is 7 November 2024.

Meike Grol and Stefano Marrone